Netherlands Germany

Compact verblijven met Klinkenberg
De 'Residence' laat uw product verblijven in een controleerbare situatie
Residence Compact
Afgestemd op uw wensen en eisen!
Omvang is geen probleem meer
Met onze gepatenteerde "Residence Compact" bespaart u ruimte in een geoptimaliseerd proces


The purpose of the Residence version is to keep a product at a given temperature for a certain time. While retained in this manner, there may be process reactions or the generation of pathogenic bacteria spores, which may make further processing necessary. The Residence is a single or double shaft heat exchanger with a jacket, shaft and/or screw flights that can be brought to the right temperature. The cooling/heating medium holds the product at the correct temperature and the screw heat exchanger ensures that the required retention time is accomplished. To guarantee the desired temperature stabilisation of the required reaction of the product, it is important for the machine to keep the product at the same temperature through and through so that there are no cold or hot fronts.

Fortunately, Klinkenberg has a testing area where this can be tested properly. We therefore invite you to come and measure the correct parameters in our screw heat exchanger when faced with these complex issues.

Residence compact Version ®

The main problem that we hear from clients is that sizeable machines are needed to achieve the desired retention time. Most clients are short of space and don’t have room for a machine of that size; if they had, they would still rather use the valuable space for something else. At the start of 2006, Klinkenberg set about meeting this demand and built and tested several prototype machines, resulting in the patented Residence compact version. The big advantage of this machine is that it can be produced with a variety of volumes in which the product can be retained. The contact surface can be adjusted without changing the exterior dimensions

1 m3/hour 5 m3/hour 10 m3/hour 20m3/hour
Detail 1 Detail 2 Detail 3 Detail 4

Klinkenberg B.V.

Noordervaartdijk 3
1561 PS Krommenie
Telephone +31 (0)75 - 62 87 855
Fax: +31 (0) 75 - 62 80 476